Value: £670k                      Client: Oldham Council / KPS Architects

Rosslee were awarded the heritage renovation of the Conservatory and North Lodge at Alexandra Park for Oldham Council.

Works were carried out in three phases. As phase one was carried out during winter into spring, we covered the building on both wings using a fully designed scaffold structure with a tented system in order to protect the works from the elements. The works comprised of the removal of the rotten timbers & ironmongery, with all the glazing bars removed and then replaced completely as they were beyond repair.

Several mullions and cills were spliced to ensure some of the old structure remained, as the majority of the windows in the lower section were repaired. As for the upper section to the lanterns, these were all mostly remade as the window hinges were decayed and could not be reused. These were sent away and specially made new hinges were manufactured to mirror the existing design to maintain the character of the original structure.

All the glass was removed and replaced with new heat-soaked gazing with copper clips, these were fixed using traditional putty and the whole structure was redecorated. We also cleaned the original plaque within the building as this had been painted over in the past.

Works at the North Lodge were holding repairs to prevent further deterioration including roofing repairs, and stone masonry repairs with our specialist subcontractor, Halestone.

Our Social Value offering on this contract included students from Oldham College joining the site team for work experience.