The health, safety and wellbeing of all those who work with and for us, as well as the general public, is always our priority.
The COVID-19 crisis is continuously evolving, and we will continue to develop our approach and keep all of our employees updated.
We support the UK Government’s position to allow the construction and infrastructure industry – key to our economy and people’s daily lives – to continue operating where it can do so safely.
In line with current guidance on COVID-19 from the UK Government, our sites and contracts will remain operational where we are able to appropriately implement the latest Site Operating Procedures (SOP) by the Construction Leadership Council, and endorsed by Public Health England, to ensure the continued health, safety and wellbeing of all those who work with and for us.
Whilst continuing to follow Government guidelines and keep the construction industry working it is paramount that we do not put anybody at additional risk of contracting or spreading Coronavirus. The Construction Leadership Council has now published Version 7 of the Site Operating Procedures – Protecting Your Workforce. The principal changes to be aware of are:
- Updates to the ‘When to Travel to Work’ section
- The latest peak times for public transport
- Entry systems to be regularly cleaned rather than between each use
- Drivers to have access to welfare facilities
- Canteens that have been closed or offered a restricted service may now re-open.
Coronavirus Site Risk Assessments
Our Coronavirus Risk Assessments have been updated to take full account of the changes. It is recognised that many of the steps described in this updated Risk Assessment have already been implemented. However, it is imperative that all the steps you have already taken and any further measures implemented are ALL recorded and filed for record purposes. Please take additional and continuous measures to ensure the 2 metre social distancing can be vigorously achieved.
Coronavirus Testing
Eligibility and How to Apply
The Government recently introduced new testing guidelines for anyone who cannot work from home and is showing symptoms of the virus. You can now apply for yourself and your household to get tested. Although there are two routes available to apply for testing, Self-referral and Employee referral, we are asking people to use the Self referral route, as is very likely that if you need to be tested, other members of your household will also need to be included.
If you book a test for yourself please phone; SHE Hotline 0845 130 7966. These calls will of course be treated in strictest confidence.
Your test booking will be noted and you will be asked to call back when you have your result.
- If your test is negative you can return
to work once you are fit and well to do
so. Please ensure all associated
absence management requirements
in Open People are completed by you
and your Line Manager. - If your test is positive please
immediately confirm the positive result
to the SHE Hotline who will elevate to
the Coronavirus Core Incident Team to
determine the next steps.
Thank you to our site teams and supply chain on all our live sites who have transformed the project in their mitigation of the Covid-19 virus and compliance with UK Guidelines to keep working. Our teams have increased virus safety precautions with signage and modifications that remind everyone to maintain social distancing and to sanitise regularly.
Construction Leadership Council – Site Operating Procedures during Covid-19 – To download version 7, click here;